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Yahweh’s Follies

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Yahweh’s Follies appeared in the prestigious Ars Nova All New Talent Fest ’13

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Click here to see info about our developmental readings.
And go to Yahwehsfollies.com for video and audio samples, synopses, and more photos.

Book, Lyrics, Director- Rob Reese

Co-Composer, Music Director – Matt Schloss
Co-Composer – Eric S. Brenner

The Ringmaster – Bones Rodriguez
Beria – Laura Valpey
Delta – Rodney Umble
Mosley – Darilyn Castillo
PJ – Katrina P. Day
Reverent John – David Allen McKeel
Verrell – Shane Breaux

Keys – Matt Schloss
Skins – Brad Carbone
Axes – Ezra Gale
Woods – Jeff Hudgins

Choreography – Lauren Yalango, Christopher Grant
Sound Design – Matt Schloss
Video Design – Lucy Mackinnon
Costume Design – Kate R. Mincer
Props Design – C. Alexander Smith
Lighting Design – Heather Smaha
External Video – Christina Pagan

We also thank the following artists for their participation in previous workshops of this project:
Katherine Barna, Paul Bellantoni, Joel Briel, Sean (Foley) Dillon, Tim Girrbach, Jen Kwok, Heidi O’Connell, Richard Price, Mignon Reme, Kamala Sankaram

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