Print and Online Reviews

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“Strikingly original, emotionally direct and authentic.”
– Allan Kozinn, The New York Times

“Enjoyable, utterly original opera”
-James Jorden, New York Post

“Miranda is the most exciting new show I’ve seen in this still young new year, and I’m guessing twelve months from now it will stand out among the very best theater achievements of 2012.”
-Martin Denton,

-Seth Gilman,

-Evan Burke,

“Miranda managed to take all of the aspects of what steampunk is – thematically, aesthetically, and even, dare I say it, musically – and combine it to create a compelling smash powerhouse of a show.”
– Ay-leen the Peacemaker,

Keanu Reeves Saves the Universe
“Nothing less than theatrical alchemy.” ” A kind of gay fantasia on Keanu Reeves Themes”
-J. Claude Deering, OffOffOnline

“It’s a hoot and a goof!”
-Michael Crisculo,

Survivor: Vietnam!
“Spot on parody … dead-on satirical barbs … on-target writing”.
-Martin Denton,

“As jaw droppingly adrenalin rush-provoking as a netless highwire act.”
-Martin Denton,

Honey Harlowe
“Some of the sharpest, smartest, funniest theatre in New York.”
-Martin Denton,

Stir Friday Night
“Quick and Hilarious”
-Andy Obejas, Chicago Tribune

“My People!”
-Aaron Freeman, Chicago Tribune

“To Stir Friday Night’s credit, YMII is plenty political, but hardly correct”
-Ben Kim, Illinois Entertainer

In Search Of Red River Dog
“Sam Shepardesque in a stark, reality driven, highly emotional way”
-Gretchen C. Van Benthuysen, Asbury Park Press

“Director Rob Reese stages the play with the right pace and mood.”
-Peter Filichia, New Jersey Star-Ledger

“Under the Direction of Rob Reese, NJ Rep once again has produced high quality theatre with an edge.”

Ionsesco Shorts
“The cast … never stumble(s) into sincerity.”
-Steve Capra, New England Entertainment Digest: Ionesco

-Victor Gluck

The Game
“Game worth playing”
– Sue Cannon, Chicago Skyline

The Evans/Reese Experience
“Grand fun;… The advertisements for the show invoke the names of Nichols and May, which turns out to be not mere hubris at all: in terms of intelligence and consistent comic value, Evans/Reese are more than worthy successors of those legendary figures.”
-Martin Denton,

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