Elements and Ingredients:

hellorobreese Avatar

What is all this?

There’s no guide to mounting a series of Avant Prov events (for some reason) but I have a ton of experience putting up collaborative sketch shows, revues, and plays. This is a toolset I developed from that experience. Elements are ideas and concepts that will turn into scenes, characters, bits, and vibes. Some of them will develop into their own discrete pieces, others will fold, marry, and join into each other, and still others will die a tragic, lonely death of neglect and joylessness.

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Have I inaccurately described an idea you threw into the group?
Have I missed something that was discussed?
Does reading this sheet give you a different idea?
Reply in the comments below!

How much of this do I have to read/absorb/care about?

As much as you want. Some players will become Multi-Executors: producing and curating several elements. Others will just show up each workshop or show and follow the Executors’ lead(s). You’ll decide where you want to fall on the scale in between, and I don’t expect anyone to make that choice before we know if there’s going to be any budget on this project.
I’m trying to make all this information available to anyone who wants to be very collaborative, but not trying to give hours of homework to people who just want to show up and play.
Unfortunately “show up and play” people haven’t read enough of the explainer to see that line!
For now I’m going to ask you to at least check in on this page before every monthly meeting, but if you simply click on here and write “checking in” on the “leave a reply” and ignore it otherwise, I’m not going to be a cop about it.

Can I be an Executor?

Yes you CAN!
We’ve already envisioned a crazy complex happening and only about half of what we’re talking about at the moment is going to happen if I have to arrange every detail of every element we want to do.
We’re all going to help on all of these and the whole event is a very deep collaboration, we just need people responsible for Executing (or supervising) the details of some of them.

What’s Dvt Level 1-5?

The Development Level is how I keep track of where each element is “at” and what we have to focus on to have enough of an event to put up:
1- General concept, joke, topic of discussion without much structure or consequence.
2- A bit more developed, maybe a few ‘beats’ are scripted out or we know the overall feel of the scene.
3- It’s more fleshed out than not but it’s missing something major: an ending, a beginning, maybe we don’t yet know how it fits into the rest of the show.
4- Is mostly done and ready for a dress rehearsal, maybe it still needs some tweaking and rehearsal.
5- A piece is only #5 after it’s successfully played in front of an audience.

You don’t have to care about these levels!!

What’s ROFR?

Right of First Refusal. EG Erin and Rodney are the Movement and Music Captains, respectively, for the First Sundays series. I hope they’ll take on those roles for the SSP but we haven’t nailed down anything yet. They have the Right of First Refusal on that role.
If an element is very much your baby, but you can’t yet commit to executing, you can claim ROFR and we have to make sure you’re specifically turning down the role before someone else takes it.

What happens to an element if nobody claims Executorship?

I will take some of them on myself but chances are it will die a lonely death that a Dickensian orphan would pity.

Slightly Silly Hub

I’m hoping these comment sections will be good for collaborative discussion, suggestions, comments.
Scroll down to comment on this page.

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hellorobreese Avatar

6 responses to “Elements and Ingredients:”

  1. Rodney Umble Rumble Avatar
    Rodney Umble Rumble

    There was no room for them in the checking inn

    1. Rob Avatar

      Hahah Love the Christmas spirit on this!

  2. Rodney Umble Rumble Avatar
    Rodney Umble Rumble

    Elements make sense thus far

  3. hellorobreese Avatar

    Elements Ingredients Test comment #3

  4. hellorobreese Avatar

    Elements Ingredients Test comment #2

  5. hellorobreese Avatar

    Elements Ingredients Test comment #1

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