FIRST there were “short-form” improv games & scenes.
NEXT there were “long-form” improvised plays and shows.
NOW there is “Avant-Prov”:
an improvised performance art experience.

Avant Prov is an unorthodox improvisational style focused on aesthetics and emotional interaction; we make little or no attempt to mimic the world in the styles of naturalism or realism like we might in “classical” improvised scenework.

An avant prov performance resembles a performance art installation, a modern music-dance concert, an improvisational comedy spectacle, and a Monty Python fever-dream, all wrapped up into one!

Avant Prov further differs from conventional improvisation in that we fully utilize and interact with theatrical production and design elements: Scenery, Props, Costumes, Lighting, Audio, and Video.

This all sounds very serious but it’s really fairly silly and very fun.

Amnesia Wars also executes avant prov style immersive experiences!

In the summer of 2023 Amnesia Wars will present a series of immersive events:

The Slightly Silly Party

Patriotism, Empathy, Nuance

See More about the slightly Silly Party HERE

Production Photos courtesy Colleen Sturtevant

Amnesia Wars’ Slightly Silly Party
is under the fiscal sponsorship
of the NY Foundation of the Arts.
All donations are tax deductible.

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to see our next event or show,
to come play with us!