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In Search of Red River Dog

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From the deserted mines of her childhood to the poisoned landscape of her marriage, Paulette follows a trail of choices. Which path will her take and which truth will she pursue?

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By Sandra Perlman 

Dana Benningfield
Jeff Farkash
Betty Hudson
Ross Haines

Set Design: Bryan Higgason
Lighting Design: Michael Reese (no relation)
Sound Design: Merek Royce Press
Costume Design: Patricia E. Doherty
Properties Design: Deede Ulanet
Stage Manager: Rose Riccardi
Directed by Rob Reese

New Jersey Repertory Co
Long Branch, NJ

“Sam Shepardesque in a stark, reality driven, highly emotional way”
-Gretchen C. Van Benthuysen, Asbury Park Press

“Director Rob Reese stages the play with the right pace and mood.”
-Peter Filichia, New Jersey Star-Ledger

“Under the Direction of Rob Reese, NJ Rep once again has produced high quality theatre with an edge.”

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