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Something Different

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by Carl Reiner
Produced by Grin and Barrett productions at The Pelican Theater New York, NY

Something Different is Carl Reiner’s 1967 farce about Sheldon “Bud” Nemerov, a famous playwright who has been suffering from writer’s block-for twelve years. When he starts to reconstruct his circumstances to help reclaim his former genius, things start getting weird, confusing, and very, very funny. With his wife Beth and a cast of outlandish characters either aiding him or thwarting him (nobody is quite sure which), Bud struggles to craft a new play that is brilliant, imaginative, and altogether different.

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Photos by Jenn Burland

Chris Orf
Jamie Marrs
Nate Shelkey
Grace Englert
Jean Liuzzi
Alicia Harding
Christine Campbell
Geri Ceballos
Kandi Ceballos
Angie Green
Cathy Green

Costume Design: Nitra Gutierrez, Dorothea Maloney, and Terese Arena
Props Design: Kathy Crumish
Sets Design: Glenn Reed
Lighting and Sound Design: Rob Reese

Directed by Rob Reese

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